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Living a Better Life Through Alchemy: Unlocking the Secrets to Personal Transformation

Alchemy, often associated with the mystical quest to transform base metals into gold, has a deeper, more profound purpose that extends beyond mere material wealth. Alchemy was, and is, at the same time practical, symbolic and psychological and one does not exclude the others. Anyone who approaches Alchemy have their own reasons and personal belief systems that may or may not interfere with their visions and real representation of the subject. Truth, although objective in theory, is often subjective in practice, meaning, we all DECIDE what to believe.

Alchemy’s true essence is the pursuit of personal transformation and enlightenment, together with the transmutation of metal in its practical and traditional aspect.

While the alchemy of old may have been shrouded in secrecy and mysticism, its principles can be adapted to contemporary life to help individuals lead more fulfilling, purpose-driven lives.

In this exploration, we will delve into how the principles of Alchemy can guide us towards a better life, emphasizing self-improvement, inner growth, and the pursuit of our highest potential.

Alchemy, as a tradition, revolves around three core stages of transformation: the Nigredo (Blackening), the Albedo (Whitening), and the Rubedo (Reddening).

a. Nigredo (Blackening): The Beginning

b. Albedo (Whitening): The Middle

c. Rubedo (Reddening): The End

In Alchemy, the Philosopher’s Stone is the ultimate goal—a substance believed to transmute base metals into gold and grant immortality. In a metaphorical sense, the Philosopher’s Stone usually represents the attainment of inner wisdom and enlightenment.

Here’s how we can apply this concept to our lives:

a. Self-Discovery: Seek to understand your true self, your values, and your purpose in life. This self-awareness is the foundation upon which personal transformation is built. Know thyself, NOSCE TE IPSUM, in Latin.

b. Transmutation of the Mind: Just as Alchemy transforms base metals into gold, we can transform our negative thoughts into positive ones. Embrace a growth mindset, practice gratitude, and cultivate optimism.

c. The Elixir of Life: Alchemists sought a substance called the Elixir of Life for physical immortality. This can be viewed as the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, longevity, REAL immortality and a balanced existence.

Hermeticism, a philosophical tradition closely related to Alchemy, provides valuable principles for living a better life:

a. The Principle of Mentalism: Understand the power of your thoughts and beliefs. Your mind shapes your reality.

b. The Principle of Correspondence: Recognize the interconnectedness of all things. What happens within you is reflected in your external experiences.

c. The Principle of Vibration: Be mindful of your energy and the frequencies you emit. Positive vibrations attract positive outcomes.

d. The Principle of Polarity: Find balance between opposing forces, such as light and dark, night and day.

e. The Principle of Rhythm: Acknowledge that life is cyclical, with ups and downs. Find harmony in these rhythms.

    f. The Principle of Cause and Effect: Take responsibility for your actions and choices as much as you can; they create your reality.

    g. The Principle of Gender: Recognize the masculine and feminine energies within yourself and others, strive for their balance.

    Incorporate Alchemical principles into your daily life:

    a. Meditation and Reflection: Regularly engage in introspective practices and foster personal growth.

    b. Self-Care: Prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Just as Alchemical substances are purified, nurture your body, mind and soul.

    c. Lifelong Learning: Embrace knowledge and wisdom as tools for personal transformation. Seek out opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

    d. Passion and Purpose: Identify your passions and align your life with your purpose. Pursuing what truly matters to you leads to a more fulfilling existence.

    e. Mindful Manifestation: Use the power of intention and positive thinking to manifest your desires and goals.

    Some Alchemical symbols can serve as reminders of the transformative journey:

    a. The Ouroboros (the serpent eating its tail): Symbolizes the eternal cycles, encouraging us to embrace change and renewal.

    b. The Caduceus: Represents balance and healing. Strive for equilibrium in your life, and seek healing on all levels.

    c. The Three Moons : Symbolize the cyclical nature of life, as well as the continuous cycle of change and transformation.

    These concepts might be interpreted as follows:


    Just as alchemists used symbols to represent their processes, individuals can use symbolism and metaphor to better understand and navigate their personal growth journey. For example, turning “base” qualities into “noble” ones might represent turning negative traits or habits into positive ones. Transmutation

    In alchemy, transmutation is the process of changing one substance into another. In personal development, this can be seen as the process of changing one’s mindset, beliefs, or behaviors to achieve personal goals and transformation.


    Alchemy often involved deep philosophical AND practical reflections. In this context, individuals can explore ideas and practical wisdom to gain insights into their lives and make meaningful changes. Wisdom and Pragmatism go hand in hand.

    Inner Work

    Just as alchemists spent considerable time and effort on their experiments, individuals can dedicate time and effort to personal transformation and development.

    Goal Setting

    The quest for the philosopher’s stone or the elixir of life in alchemy can be likened to setting life goals and working toward them with dedication and perseverance.

    Alchemy may also offer a road map for personal transformation and self-discovery.

      Alchemy encourages us to embark on an inner journey of self-improvement, mindfulness, and purpose, ultimately helping us unlock the secrets to living a better life, a life filled with truth, wisdom, balance, the pursuit of freedom, wealth and our highest potential.

      Now, when we combine these elements, “Living a Better Life Through Alchemy” suggests that by applying certain metaphorical and practical principles or methods inspired by alchemy, individuals can achieve personal transformation and enhance their overall quality of life.

      Today, the concept of alchemy is often used metaphorically to describe any profound personal transformation, where individuals seek to turn their “base” qualities into “gold” through self-awareness and inner work. It also provides practical and day to day solutions for a better life.

      Interesting information, additional sources and other points of view:

      More occult posts here on

      Watch the related video on the platform below:

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      What is Esoteric Pragmatism? (New Counter Theory)

      Esotericism is about secret knowledge for a small group of people.

      Esotericism also describes mystical, practical or occult points of view.

      Esotericism studies Gnosticism, Yoga, Alchemy, Magic, Spiritualism, Hypnosis, Astrology, Meditation, Mysticism, and Occultism.

      The concept of the “esoteric” originated in antiquity with the coining of the Ancient Greek adjective esôterikós which means (“belonging to an inner circle”).

      Sometimes this is referred to as “inner traditions” concerned with a “UNIVERSAL and spiritual dimension of reality, as opposed to external OR (‘exoteric’) religious institutions and dogmatic systems of established religions.”

      There are many variants of a worldwide Esotericism at the heart of all world religions and cultures, reflecting a hidden esoteric reality.

      This use is closest to the original meaning of the word in late antiquity, where it applied to secret spiritual teachings that were reserved for a specific elite and hidden from the masses.

      However I personally think Western or Eastern in this case does not mean much, since in my opinion is better to refer to a worldwide pool of knowledge.

      This also relates in my opinion to the belief of a once Pangea or united earth, GEA meaning EARTH, the word Geography comes from there for example.

      Therefore, PANGEA meaning the landmasses of Earth that were once all connected and not divided as it is officially established nowadays, so an all encompassing and land-wide general and accepted knowledge is likely probable.

      There are obviously many theories about that so I always encourage you to do your own research and take responsibility for what you believe somehow.

      I am personally more inclined towards a Syncretic world view, in other words, take the best from whatever source you believe makes sense and discard what doesn’t.

      Still, TRUTH would be subjective so I personally take everything with a grain of salt and always let room for being wrong and keep searching.

      I came up with the term ESOTERIC PRAGMATISM OR PRAGMATIC ESOTERICISM, whatever may sound better or more appealing to you.

      In my view, all secret, unusual or less known teachings make sense, on this plane of existence, if applied to our daily life, whatever it may be.

      I don’t know of anyone else who invented this term so far, but if you do, please let me know and provide evidence.

      So, I suggest and promote a pragmatic approach to Esotericism or an Esoteric approach to Pragmatism, which can be used often interchangeably.

      In simple words, as I said before, occult, which means hidden, OR lesser known teachings, should provide some sorts of applicable knowledge and practical solutions to everyday life.

      According to the dictionary, Pragmatism means:

      “an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application. “

      Now, obviously this word already exists so I am not really inventing anything super new here, I’m just combining these 2 words.

      The definition I just read implies that somehow the practical application of such theories should be successful, although it’s always debatable what success means for various people, so let’s say, if something helps you to live a better life, then why not use it.

      Assuming that your intent is to live a holistic and freedom-focused life and not harm anyone. You should always be responsible for the use of your ideas in my opinion.

      In a system that recently is apparently working on making people less accountable for what they do, I believe it’s important to restore, if ever was present, a way of thinking that promotes personal responsibility.

      It’s a given though that such a thing would never be 100% reality, since we are all somehow interconnected, and share responsibilities. We can just do the best we can and create a system in which we want to live. Obviously, the freer the system the better, in my opinion.

      So how can Pragmatic Esotericism or Esoteric Pragmatism help?

      First of all, promoting and spreading any hidden, occult, ancient or future knowledge THAT has proven itself to help people live better lives in general.

      Believing time is cyclical and NOT linear, logic goes that past and future can share similar teachings and hold valid theories and solutions for modern life.

      So it goes without saying that in a system less than perfect, certain theories and teachings have been hidden from the masses, hence the term Esoteric, so as not to be ridiculed or left in the wrong hands.

      Maybe now is the time to bring any type of occult knowledge to light and let every person judge by themselves without a middle man, often in the form of an always present guru or spiritual teacher AS a knowledge keeper, unless such a messenger is really enlightened or genuine, which is often not the case.

      So I encourage you to dig deeper and let me know what you think in the comments below. Feel free to reach out to us if you have relevant info and thank you.

      Additional info:

      Watch the related Video here

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      Esotericism and the Occult. Are they useless? (New Counter Theory)

      Esotericism refers to the doctrines of esoteric knowledge, in other words, knowledge that is hidden or obscure. Esoteric knowledge is available only to a narrow circle of “enlightened,” “initiated,” or highly educated people. ESOTERIC knowledge is usually contrasted with EXOTERIC knowledge, which is well-known or public knowledge for society at large.

      Esotericism involves initiation such as the requirement that one be tested before learning the higher truth. However, such knowledge may be kept secret even because the masses would not have the ability to understand it.

      Some traditions could be classified as forms of “Esotericism” due to their “inner” focus as well as their “selective” and “secretive” nature.


      Esoteric is an adjective originating in ancient Greece and comes from the Greek esôterikos, from esôtero, the comparative form of esô: which means “within.”

      Esoteric refers to anything that is inner.

      Its opposite is Exoteric, from the Greek eksôterikos, from eksôtero, the comparative form of eksô: “outside.”

      While many esoteric subjects have a history reaching back thousands of years, not all of them survived to this day. During the Italian Renaissance, for example, philosophers Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola turned their attention to the classical literature of neo-Platonism, and Hermeticism.

      During the Middle Ages, things as astrology, alchemy, and magic were all part of the curriculum of an educated person. In fact, it was quite normal for a person to have various interests and be learned in many topics and not be skilled in just one thing or monodimensional like today.


      Esotericism is not a single tradition, but a mix of often unrelated figures and movements, that is why any teaching is to be taken with a grain of salt in my opinion.

      In the ancient Graeco-Roman world, “Mystery religions,” or simply “Mysteries,” were belief systems in which full admission was restricted to those who had gone through certain secret initiation rites.” The term “Mystery” derives from Latin mysterium, from Greek musterion, in this context meaning “secret rite or doctrine.”

      Esoteric is used to designate teachings or doctrines that are purposely kept secret, generally with a view to distinguish between initiates and noninitiates and refers to the hidden meanings of apparent reality.

      GNOSIS, which means “knowledge” in Greek, is often used as a synonym for Esotericism.

      Mainly since the beginning of the 1990s, the definition Western Esotericism came about, referring to the medieval and modern Greco-Latin world in which the religious traditions of Judaism and Christianity have coexisted for centuries, together with Islam.

      I personally discard the term Western or Eastern since giving Esoteric and higher knowledge a geographic location is ridiculous, given the many clues about a world-wide pool of knowledge from time immemorial. Considering also the fact that many scholars use it just to underline political or personal world view that have no basis in reality.

      Some prominent currents of Esotericism are:

      Hermetism (referring to the Greek hermetica of late antiquity, in particular in the Corpus Hermeticum attributed to the legendary Hermes Trismegistus)

      The philosophy of the Renaissance

      Alchemy of the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries


      Theories of Paracelsus, giving a chemical or Alchemical interpretation of nature


      Theosophy, Illuminism and Occultism.

      These are all official and established definition, not that you have to believe in them not take them for granted without doing your own research.

      Then you also have all the academic research that is mostly a philosophical exercise of the intellect, mostly performed by aristocrats or individuals who belonged to agencies or hidden groups and had nothing to do with the REAL world, whatever REAL might mean.

      As I said in my previous video about ESOTERIC PRAGMATISM, all these teachings should help us live a better life and not only be approached when one feels bored or wants to spend time flexing their brains, especially within the walls of Academia.

      Most real scholars in the past and a few in the present, were OUT THERE in the world and were men and women of many talents and capabilities. Kings and Queens died in battle, unlikely to happen today.

      Now it’s true that Philosophy and Mystical activities have always been in the hands of the higher classes and elite, since they had time and resources to dedicate themselves to it, unlike regular people who unfortunately have to go real jobs and professions.

      Today, 99% of esoteric material is in the hands of people who never leave their armchairs, so their knowledge of the world is limited, as their knowledge of the REAL mysteries of the world.

      I personally always promote a practical approach to any occult teachings, as a way to look for personal freedom while not harming anyone. So the point is: are modern esoteric teachings just a parroting of old ones?

      For the most part, I would say close to 100%, yes they are, and the reason is simple. Most of self proclaimed experts in occult knowledge just repeat and promote the same teachings that have been known for thousands of years, without considering if they are still relevant today or not.

      Can a secret doctrine of 3000 years ago help you in your current life in the year 2023 and years to come? Maybe, maybe not.

      How do you find that out? Did you try it yourself or only rely on other people’s words and teachings?

      I found most people never make an effort to come up with some practical knowledge and solutions to today’s challenges.

      In a historical period in time where a lot of change is going on, as always was and probably will be, I believe it is time to promote teachings and solutions that can transform people’s minds to be free and prosper today’s world. Teachings that promote health, personal freedom and wealth and not some abstract and still-not-proven theory taken from an obscure, often random, text.

      So the question is:

      Is Esotericism useless? Especially the modern form promoted by would-be gurus?

      Also, if you think about it and it does not get mentioned often, if something was really “esoteric” and “occult”, you wouldn’t probably find it in books on online stores and all.

      Of course all knowledge can help you live a better life if you believe it can.

      The point is that REAL occult knowledge that is in the hands of few people will remain, INDEED, OCCULT, that is, HIDDEN, for the rest of us, whether you are a self-proclaimed guru, professor within academia, or a freethinker.

      Unless you are REALLY part of that inner circle. Only time will tell.

      Sources, additional Info and other Points of View:

      Esoteric knowledge is useless, VIDEO here

      You can Watch the VIDEO on the platform below: