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The Black Cat – Myth and Symbolism

The Black Cat

The black cat has long been associated in various cultures with mystery, the unknown and the hidden, linking it to so-called occult, esoteric or secretive practices, such as alchemy, tarot or witchcraft.

Like many other symbols in alchemy, the black cat carries a complex and multi-layered set of meanings that draw from various mythological, cultural, and esoteric sources. Its symbolism is multifaceted, often carrying both positive and negative connotations. In these contexts, the black cat is a powerful and enigmatic symbol that represents the mysterious, the hidden, and the transformative.


In alchemical tradition, the black cat is often associated with the concept of transformation, transmutation, and the mysterious journey of the alchemical process. This feline symbol is a fascinating representation of the duality of light and darkness, good and evil, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment through inner and outer transformations.

One of the primary aspects of the black cat’s symbolism in alchemy is its connection to the idea of the prima materia or the initial substance from which all things are derived. In this context, the black cat represents the chaotic, undifferentiated state of matter and consciousness that is the starting point of the alchemical journey.

The black cat’s color is also a crucial element of symbolism in alchemy regarding negrido, or the initial, stage which represents putrefaction and decay, the breaking down of the old to make way for the new. The cat’s dark fur mirrors the darkness of the negrido, where the impurities of the soul are confronted and released. In this context, it embodies the chaotic and disordered state that must be overcome to achieve enlightenment and transmutation. It signifies the need to confront and embrace one’s inner darkness before true spiritual growth can occur. In this way, the cat’s presence is a reminder that transformation often begins in the darkest and most challenging moments of life.

The black color is also indicative of the enigma of the spirit’s return voyage back to the physical realm.

It embodies the darkness of the unknown and the unconscious, where the alchemist begins the work of transmutation. This phase is crucial for the alchemist to face their inner darkness and explore the hidden depths of their psyche, much like the cat’s nocturnal prowling in the shadows. The black cat, with it’s affinity for the night, becomes a guide through the darkness, helping the alchemist navigate to the uncharted territory of the mind.


The cat’s association with witches and the supernatural also adds depth to its symbolism in alchemy and it’s mysteriousness. In medieval and Renaissance Europe, black cats were often linked to witches, sorcery and the occult, serving as a familiar to those who practice magic and mysticism.

It is considered a guardian of esoteric secrets and a creature that can move between the physical and spiritual realms. The cat’s ability to see in the dark is a metaphor for the insight and understanding required to navigate the mysteries of the unseen world. The cat’s presence is a symbol of a deep connection to the supernatural and a guide to the realms of the unknown. The cat’s mysterious and independent nature, along with its nocturnal habits, made it a convenient symbol for those practicing the hidden arts.

Esoteric and occult texts frequently depict the black cat as a symbol of the occult and hidden knowledge.

The duality of the black cat’s symbolism is reflective of the broader themes found in esoteric and occult traditions. It embodies the idea that light and dark, positive and negative, masculine and feminine are intertwined and necessary for spiritual growth and transformation. The black cat encourages indivduals to confront their fears, explore the hidden aspects of themselves, and seek knowledge and enlightenment in the depths of the unknown.

Philosophers Stone

In some alchemical traditions, the black cat is seen as a guardian of the philosopher’s stone, a mythical substance that represents the culmination of the alchemical work and the transmutation of base metals into gold, both literally and metaphorically. The cat’s role as a guardian underscores its connection to the secrets and mysteries of the alchemical process. Just as the cat is elusive and enigmatic, the philosopher’s stone is often described as something that can only be discovered by those who are truly ready for the profound transformation it represents.

The moon

The cat’s association with the moon is another layer of its symbolism in alchemy. The moon, with its cyclical phases, has long been associated with the feminine, intuition, and the realm of the unconscious. In alchemy, the moon is often connected to the silver aspect of the philosopher’s stone, which represents the receptive, nurturing, and reflective qualities of the soul. The cat’s affinity for the night and its connection to the moon further align it with the lunar and feminine aspects of alchemical symbolism.

In alchemical art and symbolism, the black cat can often be found in conjunction with other symbols, such as the ouroboros (a serpent eating its tail) and the alchemical flask. These combinations emphasize the cat’s role in the cyclical and transformative nature of alchemy. The cat may be depicted within the ouroboros, symbolizing the perpetual cycle of transformation, or near the alchemical flask, suggesting its involvement in the processes of purification and distillation.


In tarot, we can see the black cat on the Queen of Wands, signifying the hidden and intuitive side of the Queen, but also implying that she has a more secretive and dark side to her. She has a “hidden” self, which cannot be easily accessed, albeit by her, and her secrets, both dark secrets of the human psyche, as well as hidden truths, are well guarded by the cat sitting at her feet.

Negative symbolism

The black cat is burdened by the stigma brought on by old superstitions, folklore and myths. It was often seen as a symbol of bad luck, especially in Western superstitions. This negative perception may be linked to its nocturnal nature, which is associated with the unknown and the fear of the dark.

Black cats were thought to be shapeshifters, moving between worlds unannounced and unseen.

In the middle Ages, black cats were noted for being associated with demons. In fact, Pope Gregory IX claimed that all cats were demonic and the ritual killing of cats took place on a regular basis throughout England and Europe. It wasn’t until later that historians later theorirized that had there been more cats, the bubonic Plague may have been less devastating than it had been.

In 16th century Italy, people believed that if someone was sick he would die if a black cat lay on his bed.

Even today, black cats are the least likely to be adopted from shelters, taking much longer to be adopted out. And some shelters will not adopt out black cats during Halloween in order to protect them from sacrificial rituals.

Positive symbolism

In ancient Egypt the Godess Bastet was very closely associated with cats, bringing protection to anyone worshipping her. The Goddess protected the home, warded off negative spirits, kept illness away and protected children, pregnant women and those in childbirth. The color black for the Egyptians symbolized the cycle of life, from birth to life to death, the underworld, and resurrection.

In Hinduism, goddess Mata Shasti Devi, venerated in Nepal and India, is similar to Bastet in that she was a protector of fertility, childbirth, and children. As well, she protected the home from disease and illness.

In other cultures, such as Japanese folklore, the black cat is considered a symbol of good luck, prosperity and protection, often times seen upon entrance to a shop or public place.

Many seafarers, such as the Vikings or sailors from Ireland and England would keep acat on their vessel to protect against disease by killing off the rodents, but also to reduce rats and mice that would chew on ship ropes or eat the grains on board. Black cats especially, however, were thought to bring good luck and protect the ships from dangerous weather. One particular black cat names Tiddles, was famous aboard the Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers. He eventually travelled over 30,000 miles (48,000 km) during his time in service.

In Scottish and Irish folklore, having a black cat arrive on your doorstep is a sign of prosperity and good luck.

However, Things may be improving for black cats overall.

Fame and black cats

Black cats today still captivate their audiences to the point of making it to the big screen. In 1961, an audition sought to cast a black cat for a movie adaption from the book Tales of Terror written by Edgar Allen Poe. This resulted in a lineup of over 150 black cats in the middle of Hollywood.

We even have other famous black cats in films, in books, on TV, in magazines, made into artwork and staues including:

Mr Kittles from Scary movie 2 2001

Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus (1993)

Jiji from Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)

Winkie from the 1975 Walt Disney movie, “Escape to Witch Mountain.”

And around the world, black cats have also contributed to success of their owners.

The black cat well in Zell, Germany was erected after bringing success to the owners’ wine business.

Humans now go to great lengths to rescue these loving creatures from accidents, such as the case with Oscar, the black cat who had two prostetic legs made to replace the legs he lost in an accident.

In conclusion, the black cat holds a prominent place in alchemy, esoteric and occult texts, and history and symbolizes the mysterious, the hidden, and the transformative. In alchemy, the black cat represents the initial stage of nigredo, symbolizing the need to confront inner darkness before spiritual transformation. In the realm of esoteric and occult texts, the black cat is a symbol of hidden knowledge, serving as a guide to the supernatural and the unseen. Its symbolism is a testament to the dual nature of existence, where light and darkness are intertwined on the path to enlightenment and self-discovery. Like the alchemical process itself, the black cat represents a journey from darkness to light, from the unknown to the known, and from base matter to spiritual gold.

So, Do you know a black cat? Or are you a black cat lover? What experiences have you had with black cats, or are you superstitious about black cats? We’d love to hear about your black cats thoughts in the comments below, thanks for sharing!

Video version here:

The Black Cat – Myth and Symbolism

Interesting sources, additional info, other points of views, additional images, credits and attributions here:

Oscar, the black cat with new legs:

Black cat video: Igor Zhorov