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Into the Darkness – Exploring the 7 Underworlds in Hindu Cosmology

Into the Darkness – Exploring the 7 Underworlds in Hindu Cosmology

Beneath the surface of the Earth, hidden away from the light of the sun, lies a labyrinthine world of shadows, serpents, and untold secrets—the Seven Underworlds of Hindu cosmology. Known as the Sapta Patalas,

According to some, these realms are more than mere myths; they are actual physical worlds where magic reigns supreme, treasures glitter in the dark, and powerful entities hold sway over mysteries both ancient and forbidden. For centuries, the sages and seers of India have whispered of these realms, each a layer deeper into the cosmic unknown, each a veil concealing a greater truth.

In this short essay, we will describe the Sapta Patalas, or 7 underworlds and give some general characteristics about each one including who rules over these realms and what one might find, should they chose to visit.

So Journey with us into the depths of the Sapta Patalas, where every step descends deeper into the esoteric, and where the line between myth and reality blurs into shadow.

Before we get started, let’s look into the geography of these 7 underworlds or sapta patalas to understand where exactly they are. To understand this we have to delve a bit deeper into Vedic cosmology, getting familiar with some terminology and having a more complete understanding overall of the system surrounding this topic.

In Hindu cosmology realms, worlds or planets are called “lokas”.

There is debate among scholars about these lokas in reference to their existence. Some interpretations refer to psychological states, others lend to states of consciousness, others use the lokas as metaphors for spiritual development and others believe them to be actual, physical, tangible places that can be visited with extraordinary or mystical means. Some scholars believe that the higher realms are non-physical and the lower down you go, the more you fall into material matter.

Whatever your belief, this video will shed light on these 7 underworlds.

There are 14 lokas in total – 7 above, 7 below and grouped into Urdhva loka (the higher realms, madhva or bhu loka – the middle realms and adho lok, the lower realms. – and if you’re familiar with yoga asanas, you will remember urdhva mukha svanasana and adho mukha svansana – upward and downward facing dog poses.

There are 7 Vyahrtis, or upper worlds . These are Satya, tapa, jnana, mahar, svarga, bhuvar, bhu. The upper realms, are inhabited by gods (Devas), sages, and celestial beings. These are realms of light and divine presence, including Indra’s realm, Brahma Loka (the abode of Brahma), and Vaikuntha (the abode of Vishnu).

Bhu Loka or the (Earthly Realm) is the first of these worlds, lying in the middle. This is the plane of existence for humans, animals, and plants. This is our world, where the physical and material existences are experienced.

Then there is patal loka:

  • Patala Loka (Underworld Realms)– The lower realms, consisting of the seven underworlds collectively known as the Sapta Patalas. These underworlds lie beneath Bhu Loka, each stacked upon the next, like layers beneath the surface of the Earth.
  • Naraka – these are the hellish worlds below patala loka, in which there are 28. This is last realm – the Naraka (the hellish realms), in which your soul is tormented based on the crimes you committed.

28 Narakas: Tamisra, Andhatamisra, Raurava, Maharaurava, Kumbhipaka, Kalasutra, Asipatravana, Sukaramukha, Andhakupa, Krimibhojana, Samdamsa, Taptasurmi, Vajrakantaka-salmali, Vaitarani, Puyoda, Pranarodha, Visasana, Lalabhaksa, Sarameyadana, Avichi, Ayahpana, Ksharakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka, Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana, and Suchimukha

In the Bhágavata and Padma P. they are named Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talátala, Mahátala, Rasátala, and Pátála. The Váyu has Rasátala, Sutala, Vitala, Gabhastala, Mahátala, Śrítala, and Pátála. There are other varieties.

So lets have a look at these 7 underworlds:

1. Atala loka:

Atala is the first and uppermost of the seven underworlds, situated just below the earthly realm (Bhu Loka). It is described as a vast, beautiful land with luxurious cities and a mild climate. It is a realm filled with illusions and magical enchantments and known for its pleasures and opulence, providing a paradise-like existence for its inhabitants, who live in grand palaces with rich food, music, and enjoyment. The surface of the ground is black.

  • Ruler:
    Bala, a son of the demon king Maya Danava who created 96 kinds of mystic power, rules over Atala Loka. He is known for his great strength and mystical powers. According to the Bhagavata Purana (Canto 5, Chapter 24), Bala possesses a unique power which allows him to control and influence others’ minds.
  • He is also said to have created three kinds of women by simply yawning—Swairinis (independent women who marry from their own group), Kamini (passionate women who marry from any group), and Pumshcalis (unchaste women who change husbands one after another)—Any man who enters Atala will be at the whim of these women, who seduce them with intoxicating beverage made with a drug known as hāṭaka [cannabis indica] and draw them into sensory pleasures.
  • Inhabitants:
    The Atala Loka is inhabited by powerful demons, Asuras, and mystical beings who indulge in sensual pleasures that are considered unmatched, filled with material comforts and sense gratifications that are beyond earthly experiences.

2. Vitala loka:

Vitala is the second realm beneath the Earth. It is a dark, mysterious land filled with rivers of liquid gold and precious minerals. The water in this realm is said to have alchemical properties, and the air is filled with exotic fragrances. Vitala is depicted as a place of both danger and opulence, where sorcerers and mystical beings conduct various magical experiments. The soil is pale white.

  • Ruler:
    Vitala Loka is ruled by the god Bhava (a form of Shiva), who resides here with his consort, Bhavani. It is said that when they have intercourse, their secretions creates a chemical which, when heated by fire can produce gold. He resides here with his followers and protects the realm from evil influences. He is worshiped by both demons and demi-gods alike.
  • Inhabitants:
    Inhabitants of this realm include Bhutas (spirits), Pisachas (flesh-eating demons), and mystical alchemists who use the resources of the realm for their experiments.

3. Sutala Loka:

Sutala is the third of the seven underworld realms and is described as a highly opulent realm with an abundance of wealth, gems and many grand palaces and gardens. It is considered even more luxurious than the heavenly planets (Svarga Lokas). The realm is described as free from diseases, old age, and suffering, making it a place of immense wealth and comfort.

  • Ruler:
    Sutala is ruled by the great son of Mahārāja Virocana, Bali Mahārāja, who is celebrated as the most pious and benevolent king, who was granted sovereignty over this realm as a gift by Lord Vishnu. in His incarnation as Vamanadeva, the dwarf avatar. As a result of Bali’s devotion and piety, Lord Vishnu promised to guard the gates of Sutala Himself, and thus, it is a well-protected realm.
  • Inhabitants:
    Sutala is populated by the followers of King Bali, including Danavas, Daityas, and other devotees of Lord Vishnu. Despite being a realm of the underworld, it is a spiritually advanced and prosperous place.
  • Detailed descriptions of Sutala can be found in the Bhagavata Purana (Canto 5, Chapter 24), which recounts the story of King Bali and his boon from Vamana.

4. Talatala Loka:

Talatala is the fourth realm and is described as a dark, mysterious world filled with powerful magical beings. It is portrayed as a world of sorcery, advanced weaponry, and mystic technology. It is characterized by its hidden underground cities and palaces where powerful beings conduct magical experiments and possess advanced mystical knowledge. It is filled with illusions, traps and dark magical practices. Everything here is deceptive and seemingly unreal.

  • Ruler:
    Talatala is ruled by the Danava demon architect Maya, who is a master of sorcery and illusion and an architect of marvelous cities and palaces. He is known for his architectural prowess and magical powers, capable of creating magnificent structures, illusions, and magical devices. Maya is a devotee of Shiva and receives divine protection for his realm.
  • Inhabitants:
    This realm is populated by sorcerers, alchemists, and other beings who practice dark arts and wield powerful spells and weaponry.

5. Mahatala Loka

Mahatala is the fifth realm of the underworld and is associated with secrecy, hidden treasures, and the protection of the Nagas. It is characterized by its vast subterranean regions filled with serpents and reptilian beings. The realm is depicted as having a dark, hot, and humid environment. It is known for its massive snake pits, caves, vast underground rivers and serpentine tunnels and caves, where these serpents dwell. The terrain and ground is sandy.

  • Ruler:
    The Nagas (serpent beings) are the primary inhabitants and rulers of Mahatala. This realm is specifically ruled by the great serpent Krodhavasha, a powerful Naga king, who is the progenitor of many races of serpents. His offspring include many of the most powerful and fearsome Nagas in Hindu mythology.
  • Inhabitants:
    It is the abode of many-powerful, hooded snakes, descendants of Kadrū, who are always very angry. The great snakes who are prominent are Kuhaka, Takṣaka, Kāliya and Suṣeṇa. The snakes in Mahātala are always disturbed by fear of Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, but although they are full of anxiety, some of them nevertheless sport with their wives, children, friends and relatives.

6. Rasatala Loka

Rasatala is the sixth underworld realm and is depicted as a dark, terrifying place filled with great fortresses and oceans which is home to the demons races the Daityas, children of the cruel Diti (giants) and Danavas, children of Danu and armies of demons are constantly plotting against the Devas.

These beings are known for their strength and valor and are considered eternal enemies of the gods. It is considered one of the lowest realms and is filled with dense darkness, inaccessible to light. The beings in Rasatala are constantly engaged in war and conflict. The terrain and ground is rocky.

  • Ruler:
    Rasatala is ruled by the powerful demon lords, the sons of Nivata-Kavachas and Kalayavanas. They are mortal enemies of the gods and are described as fearsome warriors who challenge the devas (gods) in battles.They hide in Rasatal, because even though they are very strong, they are afraid of Indra.
  • Inhabitants:
    The inhabitants include various classes of demons, giants, and other terrifying beings. They are known for their strength, magical abilities, and enmity towards the gods.
  • 7. Patala (Nagaloka)

  • Patala, the seventh and deepest underworld, is often synonymous with “Nagaloka,” the abode of the Nagas. It is described as a place of immense wealth, a highly luxurious realm, illuminated by jewels and precious stones on the hoods of the serpent beings. Despite being the lowest of the Sapta Patalas, it is considered a place of beauty and splendor, filled with palaces, beautiful gardens, rivers, and pleasant atmospheres. There are many beautiful, flourishing cities here and It is known for its glowing pearls, gemstones, and exotic fragrances. The ground is golden.
  • As per the SB, There are beautiful groves and streams and lakes where the lotus blows; and the skies are resonant with the Koïl’s song. Splendid ornaments, fragrant perfumes, rich unguents, the blended music of the lute and pipe and tabor; these and many other enjoyments are the common portion of the Dānavas, Daityas, and snake-gods, who inhabit the regions of Pātāla.
  • Ruler:
    The great serpent king Vasuki, who is often depicted with multiple hoods and is one of the most famous Nagas, rules Patala. This realm is also protected by Ananta (Shesha), the thousand-headed serpent whose eyes resemble a red lotus and who serves as a bed for Lord Vishnu. Ananta is said to live in the lower regions of Patala and is revered as a divine protector.
  • Inhabitants:
    Patala Loka is inhabited by Nagas, snake-like beings of immense power, beauty, and wisdom. There there are many demoniac serpents, the masters of Nāgaloka, such as Śaṅkha, Kulika, Mahāśaṅkha, Śveta, Dhanañjaya, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Śaṅkhacūḍa, Kambala, Aśvatara and Devadatta. The chief among them is Vāsuki. They are all extremely angry, and they have many, many hoods — some snakes five hoods, some seven, some ten, others a hundred and others a thousand. These hoods are bedecked with valuable gems, and the light emanating from the gems illuminates the entire planetary system of bila-svarga. They are often have mystical abilities, including shape-shifting and controlling various elements of nature.

So How can one reach the sapta patalas? Some texts mention the idea of these lokas as spiritual realms or dimensions that can be accessed through meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices.

Some also say that you must be born into one of these places, that after reincarnation, you will go to the place that is aligned to your thoughts and energy at the moment.

Yet, other sources state that there are entrances, portals, to other realms that are spread across the Earth. Entrances similar to what one might find when searching for Agartha. And some entrances that are heavily guarded and that can only be accessed by having the right information, knowing the right people, or, in terms of modern day terminology – high security clearance.

How do we know there isn’t something more? What is the connection between military or government officials and the so called, grey aliens? Or any alien or reptilian race? Perhaps it is just conspiracy theory, but could the military have advanced technology that permits travel to these underworlds? Travel only by high authority figures or politicians, or by military captains that have authorization to enter such places?

We may never know.

In conclusion, The Sapta Patalas are described as realms of vast diversity, ranging from opulent paradises to dark, mysterious underworlds filled with magical beings, demons, serpents, and rulers with extraordinary powers. Each loka has its own unique environment, inhabitants, and rulers who maintain control over their domain. Despite being part of the underworld, these realms have their own significance, demonstrating the complex and multi-layered structure of the cosmos as envisioned in Hindu cosmology.

So what do you think? Do you think these are physical places that can be visited? Or states of consciousness, accessible only through meditation, astral travel or remote viewing?

What would you do if you encountered a Naga King? Share your thoughts and comments in the comment box below and thanks for reading!

Video version here:

Into the Darkness – Exploring the 7 Underworlds in Hindu Cosmology

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Srimad Bhagavatam 5:24:16

Vishnu Purana Book 2, chapter 5

Markandeya Purana Chapter 57

Mahabharata (Udyoga Parva, Chapter 101) (p335),_the_son_of_Maya_Danava_named_Bala,_who_created_ninety-six_kinds_of_mystic_power._Some_so-called_yogis_and_svamis_take_advantage_of_this_mystic_power_to_cheat_people_even_today

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Cycles of Time in Vedic Cosmology – The 4 Yugas – Part 1

Cycles of Time in Vedic Cosmology - The 4 Yugas - Part 1

Hindu Vedic texts describe four Yugas (world ages) in a Yuga Cycle—Krita (Satya) Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga—where, starting in order from the first age, each Yuga’s length decreases by one-fourth (25%), giving proportions of 4:3:2:1

As a Yuga Cycle progresses through the four Yugas, each Yuga’s length and humanity’s general moral and physical state within each Yuga decrease by one-fourth.

Each Yuga is characterized by varying degrees of virtue and vice, wisdom and ignorance, and dharma (righteousness) and adharma (unrighteousness).

1. Satya Yuga (The Age of Truth)

Satya Yuga, also known as the Golden Age or the Age of Truth, is the first and most revered of the Yugas. It is characterized by a time of truth, virtue, and divine presence. In this era, humanity is said to live in harmony with the divine, and righteousness prevails. The divine essence is fully manifest, and people are endowed with immense wisdom and spiritual purity. The moral and ethical standards are at their highest, and there is no need for religious practices or rituals since truth and righteousness are innate.

In this age, the human lifespan is said to be the longest, and there is no suffering or conflict. The concept of Dharma is fully realized, and the divine is perceived directly by all. The natural world is in its prime, reflecting the purity and perfection of this age.

2. Treta Yuga (The Age of Treta)

Following Satya Yuga is Treta Yuga, often referred to as the Silver Age. This period marks a gradual decline in virtue and an increase in the need for religious practices and rituals to maintain Dharma. Although righteousness still prevails, it is somewhat diminished compared to the previous age. In Treta Yuga, humanity begins to experience the emergence of moral and spiritual decay.

In this era, the lifespan of human beings decreases, and the divine presence becomes less direct. The need for sacrifices, rituals, and religious observances arises to uphold Dharma and compensate for the growing imperfections. The epic Ramayana is set in Treta Yuga, reflecting the narrative of divine intervention and the heroic struggle to restore righteousness.

3. Dwapara Yuga (The Age of Dwapara)

Dwapara Yuga, or the Bronze Age, represents a further decline in the moral and spiritual quality of humanity. During this age, virtue and righteousness are significantly diminished, and the human experience becomes more fraught with conflict and suffering. Dharma and adharma are in constant flux, and the balance between them becomes more precarious.

In Dwapara Yuga, the lifespan of human beings continues to decrease, and religious practices become more complex and ritualistic. The Mahabharata, another epic of the Vedic tradition, is set in this age, depicting the moral and ethical challenges faced by individuals and societies. The epic highlights the role of divine intervention and the consequences of human actions in the struggle to restore righteousness.

4. Kali Yuga (The Age of Darkness)

The final Yuga is Kali Yuga, often referred to as the Age of Darkness or the Iron Age. This era is characterized by the greatest decline in virtue and the predominance of adharma. In Kali Yuga, humanity experiences the greatest suffering, ignorance, and moral corruption. The divine presence is least apparent, and the human lifespan is the shortest.

The principles of Dharma are greatly obscured, and the world is marked by conflict, deceit, and chaos. Religious practices become increasingly necessary as a means to combat the pervasive ignorance and evil. Kali Yuga is believed to be the current age, and according to tradition, it will eventually lead to the end of the cosmic cycle, after which a new cycle of Satya Yuga will begin.

What do you think about the 4 Yugas of Vedic Cosmology? Post your comments below and share the post!!!

Video version here:

Cycles of Time in Vedic Cosmology – The 4 Yugas – Part 1

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The four ages of Hindu cosmology (Peter Hermes Furian / Adobe Stock),_Earth_and_Moon_around_the_Milky_Way.jpg