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The Scarab Beetle: A Symbol of Mystery, Myth, and Magic

The Scarab Beetle - Mystery, Myth and Magic

Throughout history, certain creatures have captivated human imagination, inspiring myths, legends, and mystical beliefs. Among these creatures, the scarab beetle stands out as a symbol of profound significance in various cultures. Often associated with the underworld, rebirth, and transformation, the scarab beetle was closely associated with the sun god Ra and played a crucial role in the Egyptian belief system, particularly concerning magic and the underworld. In this exploration, we delve into the rich history and symbolic meanings of the scarab beetle, uncovering its profound influence on human culture and spirituality.

Ancient Egypt: The Divine Khepri

In the annals of human history, perhaps no civilization revered the scarab beetle more than ancient Egypt. Known as “Khepri” in Egyptian mythology, the scarab beetle was known for its unique life cycle and was deeply intertwined with creation and transformation.

Khepri (ḫprj) is derived from the Egyptian language verb ḫpr, meaning to “develop”, “come into being”, or “create The beetle’s life began as a humble larva, eggs which had been laid in dung and which emerge fully grown. In this way, the scarab beetle seems to have been created out of nothing.

This analogy of burrowing into the earth, resemble the sun sinking beneath the horizon. In this stage, Khepri was seen as representing the idea of death and the underworld. Egyptians believed that the sun god Ra traveled through the underworld during the night, only to reemerge at dawn, just as Khepri emerged from the earth.

Khepri was depicted as a giant scarab or a man with a scarab for a head. Just as the scarab beetle rolled the dung balls across the earth, Khepri rolled the newly born sun across the sky, symbolizing the sun’s daily rebirth.

Khepri was a solar deity and was often times seen as an aspect of Ra, along with another solar deity Atum. (A-toom) Khepri was the morning sun, Ra was the midday sun, and Atum was the sun in the evening.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the scarab beetle possessed the power of transformation and rebirth, mirroring the sun’s journey. This symbolism was applied to the deceased as well, as they were believed to undergo a similar journey in the afterlife.

Scarabs as Symbols of Good Luck

Scarabs are well known as being symbols of good luck. Scarab amulets were popular and worn by both the living and the deceased. Three types of scarabs, that seem to have been used in funerary practices were known as heart scarabs, pectoral scarabs and naturalistic scarabs. These scarabs were placed on the mummies to protect and guide the deceased’s soul safely through the underworld. The scarab’s significance in Egyptian funerary rites emphasized its role in the afterlife, where the dead would undergo a transformation much like the beetle’s metamorphosis from a lowly dung roller to an elegant, winged insect.

Commemorative scarabs were sometimes given as royal gifts or propaganda in support of Egyptian political purposes and had been found inscribed with royal names.

Egyptian scarabs were carried by traders into Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean to sell as good luck charms, so, Egyptians weren’t the only culture to ascribe great importance to the scarab beetle. In ancient Greece, the scarab was associated with the god Ares, symbolizing protection and good fortune. It was believed to have protective properties, warding off evil spirits and bringing good luck to its wearer.

Additionally, Sardinia had developed an industry for producing scarabs, which were then imported into ancient Rome, where they were often used as talismans and amulets, believing to possess powers of protection and healing. Rings made of scarab beetles were considered to be military symbols and used during battle. Many roman graves dated from 400 AD were found to have had artificial scarabs.


Not only used for good luck, but also for healing, Some ancient papyrus documents even attest to the scarabs being used in traditional medicine. And in medieval Europe the beetle was used in folk medicine, often times extracting the Oil obtained from the larvae and being used as a cure for scratches and other wounds as well rheumatism and anemia.

Transformation and Resurrection

The scarab beetle’s association with transformation and resurrection is a common thread throughout its history. In many cultures, the scarab’s ability to roll balls of dung across the ground and then lay its eggs within them was seen as a metaphor for transformation. This lowly creature demonstrated the power of life emerging from death and decay.

In ancient China, the scarab symbolized the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It was considered a representation of transformation and spiritual awakening.

Similarly, in some Native American cultures, the scarab’s presence was believed to herald positive change and transformation. Among the Hopi tribe, the scarab beetle was considered a symbol of endurance, as it could thrive in harsh desert conditions.

Scarabs in the Underworld

The underworld often played a significant role in scarab mythology. Similar to Egyptians, in the Mayan culture, scarabs were associated with the Sun God Kinich Ahau and were also linked to the underworld and death. It was considered a guardian spirit that could ward off evil forces and ensure safe passage to the afterlife. By Using, amulets and talismans on the deceased, or in the tombs, for protection and guidance.

Magical and Occult Significance

Scarabs are also featured prominently in the realm of the occult. Throughout history, these beetles have been used in various magical and mystical practices. They were often carved into amulets, inscribed with symbols and spells, and worn for protection or to invoke specific energies.

In Western esoteric traditions, scarabs have been associated with the concept of transformation and personal growth, as well as having the power to overcome obstacles. Spells and rituals involving scarab imagery are designed to help individuals break free from stagnation, achieve personal growth, and embrace change in their lives.

For this, Its symbolism is also sometimes present in alchemical texts, where it is associated with the transformation of base substances into gold, reflecting the alchemical goal of achieving spiritual enlightenment and perfection.

Modern Symbolism

In modern times and popular culture, the scarab beetle still holds symbolic significance, although it may not be as widely recognized or revered as it once was.

In music, We can see the rock band Journey, from the 80’s, used the scarab beetle as their main logo and in the cover art of the albums, including their greatest hits, departure and escape.

In literature, P. G. Wodehouse’s first Blandings novel – Something Fresh (1915) – involves the pilfering of a rare Egyptian scarab (a “Cheops of the Fourth Dynasty”) as a key plot device.

In film, we see In Stephen Sommers action adventure movie’ The Mummy (1999), the scarab is depicted as an ancient, deadly beetle, killing whatever or whoever it sees and eating it’s entire body, including the organs.

And for lovers of Tarot, there is Lo Scarabeo, the Italian Tarot card making company based out of Torino, Italy. Scarabeo being the Italian word for Scarab. Here, you can find tarot cards, oracle cards and more.

And in video games we see the scarab beetle in Tomb Raider, The last revelation from 1999, with Lara Croft being attacked throughout the game by deadly scarab beetles and also Scarabs being used as the monetary unit of planet Sauria (originally known as Dinosaur Planet) in the 2002 video game Star Fox Adventures.

In Conclusion

The scarab beetle’s mythological, historical, and occult significance is a testament to its enduring power as a symbol of transformation, rebirth, and protection. From ancient Egypt to distant cultures around the world, the scarab has been revered and respected for its connection to the cycles of life, death, and resurrection. Its mystical appeal persists even in the modern era, where it continues to inspire individuals seeking personal growth and transformation. The scarab beetle’s journey through human history is a reflection of the timeless fascination with the mysteries of life, death, and the forces that shape our existence.

What does The Scarab Beetle symbol represent for you? Let us know in the comments below, share the article…and come back for the next one!

Video version here:

The Scarab Beetle: A Symbol of Mystery, Myth, and Magic

Interesting sources, additional info, images, credits, attributions and other points of views here:

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What is Esoteric Pragmatism? (New Counter Theory)

Esotericism is about secret knowledge for a small group of people.

Esotericism also describes mystical, practical or occult points of view.

Esotericism studies Gnosticism, Yoga, Alchemy, Magic, Spiritualism, Hypnosis, Astrology, Meditation, Mysticism, and Occultism.

The concept of the “esoteric” originated in antiquity with the coining of the Ancient Greek adjective esôterikós which means (“belonging to an inner circle”).

Sometimes this is referred to as “inner traditions” concerned with a “UNIVERSAL and spiritual dimension of reality, as opposed to external OR (‘exoteric’) religious institutions and dogmatic systems of established religions.”

There are many variants of a worldwide Esotericism at the heart of all world religions and cultures, reflecting a hidden esoteric reality.

This use is closest to the original meaning of the word in late antiquity, where it applied to secret spiritual teachings that were reserved for a specific elite and hidden from the masses.

However I personally think Western or Eastern in this case does not mean much, since in my opinion is better to refer to a worldwide pool of knowledge.

This also relates in my opinion to the belief of a once Pangea or united earth, GEA meaning EARTH, the word Geography comes from there for example.

Therefore, PANGEA meaning the landmasses of Earth that were once all connected and not divided as it is officially established nowadays, so an all encompassing and land-wide general and accepted knowledge is likely probable.

There are obviously many theories about that so I always encourage you to do your own research and take responsibility for what you believe somehow.

I am personally more inclined towards a Syncretic world view, in other words, take the best from whatever source you believe makes sense and discard what doesn’t.

Still, TRUTH would be subjective so I personally take everything with a grain of salt and always let room for being wrong and keep searching.

I came up with the term ESOTERIC PRAGMATISM OR PRAGMATIC ESOTERICISM, whatever may sound better or more appealing to you.

In my view, all secret, unusual or less known teachings make sense, on this plane of existence, if applied to our daily life, whatever it may be.

I don’t know of anyone else who invented this term so far, but if you do, please let me know and provide evidence.

So, I suggest and promote a pragmatic approach to Esotericism or an Esoteric approach to Pragmatism, which can be used often interchangeably.

In simple words, as I said before, occult, which means hidden, OR lesser known teachings, should provide some sorts of applicable knowledge and practical solutions to everyday life.

According to the dictionary, Pragmatism means:

“an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application. “

Now, obviously this word already exists so I am not really inventing anything super new here, I’m just combining these 2 words.

The definition I just read implies that somehow the practical application of such theories should be successful, although it’s always debatable what success means for various people, so let’s say, if something helps you to live a better life, then why not use it.

Assuming that your intent is to live a holistic and freedom-focused life and not harm anyone. You should always be responsible for the use of your ideas in my opinion.

In a system that recently is apparently working on making people less accountable for what they do, I believe it’s important to restore, if ever was present, a way of thinking that promotes personal responsibility.

It’s a given though that such a thing would never be 100% reality, since we are all somehow interconnected, and share responsibilities. We can just do the best we can and create a system in which we want to live. Obviously, the freer the system the better, in my opinion.

So how can Pragmatic Esotericism or Esoteric Pragmatism help?

First of all, promoting and spreading any hidden, occult, ancient or future knowledge THAT has proven itself to help people live better lives in general.

Believing time is cyclical and NOT linear, logic goes that past and future can share similar teachings and hold valid theories and solutions for modern life.

So it goes without saying that in a system less than perfect, certain theories and teachings have been hidden from the masses, hence the term Esoteric, so as not to be ridiculed or left in the wrong hands.

Maybe now is the time to bring any type of occult knowledge to light and let every person judge by themselves without a middle man, often in the form of an always present guru or spiritual teacher AS a knowledge keeper, unless such a messenger is really enlightened or genuine, which is often not the case.

So I encourage you to dig deeper and let me know what you think in the comments below. Feel free to reach out to us if you have relevant info and thank you.

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