Stoicism was a school of philosophy that originated in ancient Greece around the 3rd century BCE, but it flourished predominantly in ancient Rome. The philosophy was founded by Zeno of Citium around 300 BCE. Stoicism taught a system of ethics that emphasized personal virtue, reason, and self-control.

It offered practical guidance for navigating the challenges of daily life, political upheavals, and personal struggles. Its teachings continue to resonate today, offering timeless wisdom on how to live a meaningful and resilient life amidst adversity.

  1. Virtue as the Highest Good: Stoicism teaches that the highest good, or the ultimate goal of life, is eudaimonia, which is often translated as “happiness,” “flourishing,” or “fulfillment.” Unlike hedonistic philosophies that equate happiness with pleasure, Stoicism emphasizes virtue as the key to eudaimonia. Virtue, according to Stoicism, consists of qualities such as wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. Living a virtuous life leads to inner tranquility and fulfillment, regardless of external circumstances.
  2. Acceptance of Nature, Fate and Impermanence (The Dichotomy of Control): Central to Stoic philosophy is the idea of living in accordance with nature. This involves accepting the natural order of the universe and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things. Stoics believed in a deterministic worldview, where events are governed by fate or providence. Central to Stoic philosophy is the idea of distinguishing between things that are within our control (internal) and things that are outside our control (external). While individuals have control over their own thoughts, actions, and attitudes (the things within their “sphere of control”), they are encouraged to accept external events beyond their control (the things outside their “sphere of control”) with equanimity. Stoicism teaches acceptance of fate and the impermanence of all things. Stoics recognize that life is inherently unpredictable and that external events are subject to change. Rather than resisting or lamenting these changes, Stoics advocate for embracing them and adapting to circumstances with resilience and acceptance. By recognizing and accepting the limits of our control, Stoics aim to cultivate inner tranquility and freedom from anxiety.
  3. Practical Wisdom and Rationality: Stoicism places a strong emphasis on reason and practical wisdom or phronesis as guides to living a virtuous life. Stoics advocate for the cultivation of rationality, critical thinking, and logical analysis in decision-making and problem-solving. By exercising reason, individuals can better understand the world around them, manage their emotions, and make ethical choices aligned with virtue.
  1. Desire and Aversion (Indifference to External Goods): Stoicism teaches indifference to external goods such as wealth, fame, and social status. While these things may be preferred or dispreferred, they are considered indifferent in the sense that they do not inherently contribute to eudaimonia. Instead, Stoics focus on developing inner virtues and character traits, which are within their control and lead to lasting fulfillment. Stoicism teaches the discipline of desire and aversion, which involves moderating one’s desires and attachments to external things. By practicing detachment from material possessions and transient pleasures, individuals can cultivate inner tranquillity and freedom from the turmoil of excessive desire.
  2. Self-Discipline and Endurance: Stoicism advocates for the practice of self-discipline, resilience and endurance in the face of adversity. Stoics believed that challenges and hardships are opportunities for growth and character development. By willingly enduring hardships and embracing discomfort, individuals can strengthen their resolve, cultivate resilience, and become more virtuous.
  3. Social and Cosmopolitan Outlook: Stoicism encourages a cosmopolitan outlook, emphasizing the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of benevolence, justice, and compassion towards others. Stoics believed in living in harmony with fellow human beings, treating others with kindness and fairness, and contributing to the well-being of society.

These teachings and practices of Stoicism offer a comprehensive framework for leading a life of virtue, resilience, and inner peace, even in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Stoicism provides valuable guidance for navigating life’s challenges with rational wisdom.

It offers a practical mindset for living a meaningful existence grounded in reason, self-awareness, rationality, self-discipline, and acceptance of the natural order of the universe. Its teachings continue to inspire people seeking wisdom, resilience, and inner peace in today’s world.

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Video version here:

Stoic Teachings for Modern Times

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